Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It’s a Movement not Community Organization

It is hard to believe that eight years ago this past September 11th we witnessed the worst attack in history on the civilians of this nation. However on September 12th we witnessed another event of monumental proportions for on that date, a movement was born.

Unfortunately, some are blowing off this movement claiming it is just astroturf and not a grass roots movement. The definition of an astroturf movement is one that is organized by a community organizer who gathers a group or participants together whereas a pure movement is spontaneous in nature. Astroturf movements are what community organizers, like President Obama, do but what we saw on Saturday was not astroturf and this is why.

First an astroturf movement usually has professionally produced signs that are given to the participants when they show up. The signs are usually uniform in nature and have a common saying or theme. The signs we saw on 9/12 were homemade. They had a common theme but each sign was unique.

Second, the participants in an astroturf movement are often paid to participate or, if they are not paid, their expenses are covered by the organizer. What we saw on 9/12 were participants who all paid their own way with many coming from other states. In fact I heard of one individual who traveled to Washington DC from California at their own expense to participate.

Third, the participants in an astroturf movement participate often in marches and protests. Protesting is old hat to them. On 9/12 we witnessed a group of individuals many of which had never done this before. They were there because they wanted to exercise their first amendment right to free speech rather than keeping quiet like they had done in the past.

Movements are spontaneous. The participants in a movement have some deeply felt concern that they want to voice. Due to this deeply felt concern, these participants are persistent and not easily silenced.

In a representative republic such as the United States, where the public elects its leaders, the voices of a movement such as we saw on 9/12 need to be heeded by elected officials if they are to keep their positions. Unfortunately for them, the leaders to whom this march was aimed are paying it little attention and are belittling its impact. They do this at their own peril.

Kudos to all who participated in the 9/12 protest and those who stayed at home but share the participant’s concerns, you are great Americans. Hang onto your values and keep speaking out. Election Day 2010 and 2012 is coming when we can make the ultimate statement and elect officials who share our heart felt values.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Deficits Without End

By Dale Weckbacher

Many of us have been shocked to see the skyrocketing deficits our politicians are creating. During the Presidents speech to congress on September 9, he stated that skyrocketing health care costs are the major contributor to these deficits. This is hard to believe since the only direct involvement by the government that contributes to government spending is Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration. These programs are currently running in the red but are they contributing to the skyrocketing deficits we now see?

Deficits are the result of the paying out of more money than the government collects through taxation and the collection of fees. The current economic recession means that business are making less money and thus paying less in taxes. In addition, these businesses are laying off employees who now pay less in taxes. Revenues to the treasury are down considerably so this too is a contributor the current deficits.

However, the factor contributing the most to the current deficits is the out of control spending of our government. How long can we spend trillions of dollars bailing out failed banks and auto companies? How long can we subsidize mortgages to individuals that could not afford them? Now they are proposing the subsidizing health insurance for individuals that either choose not to buy it or cannot afford it. They are also proposing health insurance for illegal aliens even though they claim they are not. They are bankrupting our country. They are bankrupting our children and grandchildren’s future.

The true cause of the deficits is the combination of reduced revenues to the treasury and out of control spending. However, our politicians are beholden to the special interests bankrolling their campaigns but you have the power to stop this corruption.

I urge everyone reading this to contacting their representative and senators letting them know about your concerns. Remind them that they may feel that they have to cater to the special interests bankrolling their campaigns but you have the power of the vote. It is not who raises the most money but who gets the most votes that win elections. Remind them that you have the power of the vote and can send them corrupt home.

Normally I would not support activity that increases unemployment but in this case, I would make an exception. We need to make these corrupt politicians experience what their policies have caused many Americans to experience. They need to feel what it is like to loose their cushy jobs.

If you do not know how to contact your representative or senator, you can use the link I have provided at the right of this text. Exercise your first amendment right and speak out. In addition, show up at the polls in 2010 and 2012 to eliminate the corruption in our government.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Flawed Logic

As I write this, the Dow is up 85.24. This increase in the Dow, according to Lynn Thomasson’s posting at (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087
&sid=ac083YlUAaaM) is attributed to a slowing in the pace of job losses. This makes us want to ask, what are they thinking?

The economy lost 216,000 jobs in August which was less than the experts estimated. I’m sure these 216,000 individuals and their families find comfort in the fact these job losses are less than expected. However, I never cease to be amazed at the logic of these so called experts.

In my recent physical my doctor recommended that I loose 10 pounds. However, when I heard this report on the economy I think I will use their logic the next time I see my doctor. What I plan on doing is to keep on eating like I always have. I estimate that by doing this I will put on 10 pounds. However, if I only put on 8 pounds, I will tell my doctor that I have good news. Instead of putting on 10 pounds like I thought I would I only put on 8 pounds which means I actually lost 2 pounds.

It’s time to throw these idiots out of office. No wonder the country finds itself in the condition it is in today with idiots like this in charge. We have a congressional election in 2010 and a presidential election in 2012. I urge everyone, especially those currently out of work, to become involved and support new leadership in these upcoming elections.

We need leadership that can think intelligently. Job losses hurt the common man. People who loose their job cannot spend money which causes additional economic decline and additional job losses. Vote for individuals in these next elections that favor stimulating the economy by cutting taxes so companies will have additional capital available to expand their businesses and create new jobs. It’s not bad for these businesses to make a profit for profitable businesses expand and create new jobs.